Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano

Origin of the durum wheat semolina in Pasta

This disposition applies to the durum wheat pasta describe in the articles nr. 6, 7, 8 of the Decree of the President of the Republic nr 187 of 9 February 2001 that are:

  • Pasta di semola di grano duro
  • Pasta di semolato di grano duro
  • Pasta di semola integrale di grano duro
  • Paste speciali
  • Pasta all’uovo

The MIIPAF Decree of the 26 July 2017 establishes the instructions for the indication of the origin in the durum wheat used to produce the pasta. On the pasta label it is necessary to indicate:

  • “paese di coltivazione del grano”
  • “paese di molitura”
  • In case the wheat used is the result of a mixture of wheat originated and modified in different countries it is possible to use the indication “UE”, “Non UE”, “UE e non UE” on depending on the origin.
  • In case a mixture contents at least the 50% of wheat cultivated in a single country it is possible to use the indication: “nome del paese e altri paesi (UE/non UE/UE e non UE)” depending on the origin.

Except pasta that are:

  • produce and sold in other EU state or third state
  • intended for exportation
  • fresh and stabilized pasta products (DPR 187/2001, art 9) and all the pasta products that do not respond to the requirements pointed out in articles 6, 7 and 8 of the DPR 187/2001 that can be sell only in foreign countries and not in Italy.

The MIIPAF Decree 26 July 2017 is entered into force the 13 February 2018 and it will be in effect until the 31 December 2020. In case the products are place on the market or labeled before the entering into force of the Decree, they can still be sold until the end of the reserve.

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